

defenci - essential oil blend 15mL

defenci - essential oil blend 15mL


defenci 15mL - 100% organic essential oil blend as an effective formula against bacteria.

ilo ORGANICS ‘defenci’ blend of 100% pure organic essential oils combines selected oils used throughout history as an effective formula against bacteria. 

The reputation of the blends’ effects was established during the Bubonic Plague of the 14th century – which swept through Europe and England. The plague is believed to have started in Mongolia, and was then spread throughout Europe through trade from 1347 to 1351. The plague swept through England during 1348-1350. The death toll is estimated to have been 25 million people – some 30-50% of the population. Fleas on the bountiful rats of the unhygienic times carried the plague’s Yersinia pestis bacterium. The disease killed those inflicted within four days.

During the plague, a group of enterprising spice merchants applied a selective blend of herbs and spices infused in vinegar to their extremities, and robbed the bodies of the dead of valuables. The herb and spice infusion protected them from contracting the highly infectious disease.

Studies in recent times have concluded that the essential oil blend is 99.96% effective as being anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-septic, and anti-fungal. Synthetic compounds cannot replicate the complex compounds found in organic essential oils. The essential oil blend purifies the air through diffusion, and provides a natural support for the immune system through personal application.

ilo ORGANICS unique blended fragrances of organic essential oils will captivate the soul.



clove bud (syzygium aromaticum, SDB) lemon (citrus limonum, CPP) cinnamon bark (cinnamon zeylanicum, SDK) eucalyptus (eucalyptus polybractea, SDL) rosemary (rosemarinus officinalis, SDL)



We recommend the use of an ultrasonic electric diffuser, as they disperse the essential oils cleanly & without the application of heat.  Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for amounts to be added. We recommend the addition of 6 drops of essential oil to the water. 



For diffuser use only. Do not apply to skin undiluted. Do not ingest. Keep out of the reach of children at all times. May impact upon some medical conditions - consult a medical practitioner before use. Wipe up any drips/spills immediately - essential oils can affect surface finishes. Store upright in a cool, dark place. 20 drops per 1 mL approximately.



CP = cold pressed, SD = steam distilled, B = buds, F = flowers, K = bark, L = leaves, P = peel, R = roots, S = seeds, W = wood


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